Musculoskeletal Injuries
Helping you resume important activities
After an injury, be it sports or work-related, or from an accident, our body naturally responds through pain, swelling, inflammation and stiffness. Most of the time, it compromises our mobility and affects our abilities to perform at work, home, school or sports. Our daily activities become unbearably painful or almost impossible.
Also, for some injuries, if left to its own, or if its root causes are not addressed and rectified, may worsen and degenerate to such an extend that it warrants a surgery, which means more tissue trauma and pain to heal from, more down-time, and more costs.
For many sufferers, these translate to much frustration and anxiety.
With Physiotherapy, especially as an early-intervention, your body will be managed and guided to heal faster and better so you can safely and quickly return to the activities that were hampered by your injury.
We do not just treat your pain. We will help you understand how your injury occurred, help you heal from it, for you to regain your strength, range of motion, flexibility and fitness.
Some of the Injuries that We Can Help You With
Sports Injuries
Athletes and sports enthusiast are not the only ones who will benefit from specially chosen treatment plan and exercises to regain their functioning back to a level they enjoyed their activities at. Some of us exercise regularly to manage chronic diseases eg. diabetes or hypertension. Others have physically demanding hobbies such as social dancing or gardening.
Muscle strains and tears, “pulled” muscles, tendinopathy, ligament strains.
Causes varies, from using or wearing inappropriate sports gear, over-loading the body, or wrongly executing and coordinating some movements.
Other than physiotherapy, we will teach you exercises specific to your activity. These exercises will help in your strength, fitness, agility and coordination through appropriate strength training, stretching exercises, and low-impact aerobic exercises. We will also help you improve your sense of balance and coordination.
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI)
RSI covers a broad spectrum of repetitive and overused movements resulting in muscle, joint, tendon and nerve injuries and pain. It leads to symptoms such as pain, numbness and stiffness. It affects all age groups and different populations.
Homemaker- tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, knee pain
Chef- De quervain tenosynovitis, heel pain
Office workers- Neck strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, back strain
As RSI affects your muscle, joint, tendon or nerves either individually or together, we will identity the exact areas to treat.
We will also advise you ways to prevent a recurrence of your RSI through lifestyle changes, activity modification, or posture analysis and improvement.
Geriatric Injuries
For our senior citizens, the complexity of their conditions, capacity for healing and needs are different from younger patients’ as a result of the aging process.
Their priority is likely centered around mobility, from which they maintain their independence, engage in activities of daily living (ADL), and socialize. These are vital for their quality of life.
We are able to help senior citizens with:
Mobility disorders
Balance disorders
Soft tissues rheumatism
Often, our seniors present themselves with more chronic diseases, past surgeries, or pre-existing cardiovascular or neurological conditions that impairs their healing, motor movement planning and safety eg. Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke.
We will gently and slowly work within our seniors’ parameters of coping mechanism, capacity to heal, and receptiveness to new activities. We understand that some may be fearful or uncertain of rehab, and we will meet them at whatever level of comfort they are at to encourage their participation.
If, in some cases, mobility cannot be reasonably restored or maintained, we help by letting our seniors be as pain-free and comfortable as possible.
We will also support the senior’s caregiver through education and training.
Accident-related Injuries
Accidents may result in injuries in more than one area of our body. Take a car accident as an example. The person may suffer injuries to his/her head, neck, spine, chest, upper or lower limbs singularly or simultaneously.
Herniated Disc
Cracked/ broken ribs
Knee, leg & foot fractures & injuries
Depending on severity of the injuries, and how your body responds to treatment, rehabilitation may take weeks to months. We will work closely with your doctors or surgeons to help you recover and manage your pain and discomfort.